December 8, 2021
Industry Specific / Auto Garage

Garage Floor Epoxy: Is It Worth the Investment?

Is An Epoxy Floor Investment Worth It?

For Garage Floor Epoxy Built to Last In Columbus, OH, Call Premier Concrete Coatings at (614) 918-7345 Today!

With its position in the front or back driveway, it can be easy to relegate a garage to a glorified dumping space. Instead of clean space, there is nothing but boxes as far as the eye can see, stacked to the ceiling and in danger of causing all kinds of household accidents.

A garage does not have to be a part of the home to hide from guests or act ashamed of; a good way to breathe new life into the garage is to invest in some epoxy flooring or epoxy floor coating for a pop of color and a durable surface that will last for years.

It can seem like a risky and time-consuming investment at first, but for a lot of homeowners, outfitting the garage floor with an epoxy floor or floor coating is well worth the money.

What Goes into Making a Garage Floor Epoxy?

An garage floor epoxy coating is made by layering a resin and hardener on top of a specially prepared concrete floor. The chemicals in the resin and hardener bond with the concrete, creating a tight, water-sealed coating that protects from fire damage, chemical spills, and impact damage.

An epoxy floor is separated into two major types: epoxy flooring and epoxy floor coatings. The difference between these is not in the process, as they are applied in the same way. The difference lies in how much resin is applied.

Epoxy floors have over two millimeters of applied resin, while floor coatings have less than that.

Epoxy is applied in multiple layers in the same way that professional house painters apply multiple layers of paint to a house’s walls. This is typically done in three layers: the primer, base coat, and topcoat.

Epoxy floors come in a variety of colors and will sometimes have vinyl or quartz shards to add some extra glitter or pizzazz to a space. The final products can range from decorative showstoppers to functional understatements.   

Should You Hire Someone to Install Garage Floor Epoxy Coating?


Any major home renovations should be performed by a trained professional, as doing the work yourself can lead to injury or even damage to your home and floors. Epoxy is a very exacting material that requires precision to make, and prepping a floor for application may require significant repair, cleaning, or smoothing that an average homeowner may not be able to do without proprietary tools.

Never make any additions to your home without the assistance of professional contractors. While they may seem like an expensive option, they are the best way to ensure the job gets done safely and properly.

Why Should You Invest in a Garage Floor Epoxy?

Epoxy garage floors and floor coatings have several benefits that not only make life easier for homeowners but can benefit the home itself.

Epoxy Floors and Floor Coatings Make Your Garage Safer

Epoxy flooring has better traction than concrete and is water-resistant, which prevents the slickness and slippage that can contribute to household accidents and tragedies.

Concrete floors tend to kick up a lot of dust, too. Epoxy flooring does not have this problem, which makes the epoxy floor investment valuable for families with a history of respiratory illnesses like asthma and COPD.

Epoxy Floors Make Your Garage Look Better

With all of the aesthetic options that can go into epoxy flooring and floor coatings, they offer a wide variety of styles that can match any home. They can bring extra color into what was otherwise a drab garage area and may even encourage the family to clean out the junk from the corners and open it up for regular use.

A clean garage with a smooth floor is something to be proud of, no matter what you decide to do with it.

An Garage Floor Epoxy Coating Lasts a Long Time

Garage floor epoxy and floor coatings are built to be as durable as possible because the garage is a space with a lot of foot traffic and heavy equipment.

Epoxy floors are heat-resistant, water-resistant, and can handle chemical spills and impacts without affecting the outer coating.

Cars can drive over epoxy flooring without worry, and carpenters with busy workbenches can work without the risk of their craft harming their floors.

Garage Floor Epoxy Coatings Improve Your Property Value

Not everyone plans to sell their home, but there are plenty who want to bring a broken home back to life so they can sell it to a new family. Installing epoxy flooring or a floor coating in the garage is a low-effort way to boost the land value. Plenty of families would love to have an attractive garage ready for them on moving day.

How Expensive Are Epoxy Flooring and Floor Coatings?

An epoxy floor investment is large and can cost a considerable amount of money depending on a few important factors:

  • How many coats of epoxy are applied
  • The size of the garage
  • The contractor’s individual rates
  • Additional decorative features
  • The condition of the garage before application

All of these can make an epoxy flooring or epoxy floor coating project more or less expensive in the long run; always make sure to speak to your contractor to see their rates so that the project fits within your budget.

Garage floor epoxy projects can cost anywhere between $1,500 to $3,000 on average, which may seem like a dealbreaker to some consumers. However, epoxy floors are a long-term investment that will last for years, making them well worth the time and investment.

Call Premier Concrete Coatings Today for High-Quality Epoxy Garage Floors

Columbus, OH, residents can rely on Premier Concrete Coatings for any epoxy flooring project, big or small. Our trained professionals will work with you during every stage of the renovation process and make sure that you get the flooring that you and your family want for your garage floor.

Give us a call today at (614) 918-7345 for your free consultation.

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