July 21, 2014
System Selection / Decorative Concrete

Epoxy Flake for Offices

image7An environmental services company recently called us out to put down an epoxy flake for their new office space. They were looking for an efficient coating that would be resistant to oil, gas, chemicals, etc and would be slip-resistant for their employees coming in from being out in the field.We provided them with an office epoxy flake flooring solution to relieve them of their concerns. The vinyl chip flake that we broadcast into our epoxy enhances the surface by providing a rigid surface for slip-resistance and increases the coating’s strength. Additionally, we broadcasted recycled plastic BBs into the finishing coat to further increase the floor’s slip-resistance – invisible in appearance, but rigid in feel.

As always, we prepped the surface by diamond grinding every inch, repairing cracks, and cleaning up all debris before installing our products. Our client chose a tan flake combination to help camouflage dirt & debris.

This system is perfect for any floor that can take a beating! Office Epoxy Flakes, Garage, Warehouse, Recreational Room, Lobby Room, Locker Rooms, etc !

Call us today for a free quote for your Columbus, OH home or business! 614-918-7345

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