Importance Of Quality Factory Flooring

Importance Of Quality Factory Flooring

While different businesses can choose between installing carpeting, vinyl, or tile flooring, the industrial setting of factories calls for installing specific types of floors. Since factories operate under various use cases and technical specifications, the flooring...
What Flooring Is Used In Commercial Buildings?

What Flooring Is Used In Commercial Buildings?

Why is commercial building flooring necessary? Let’s get down to the basics. Commercial buildings need flooring to help protect the concrete slab from wear and tear (damage) over time while providing an aesthetically pleasing finish to the space. commercial building...
How much does Commercial Epoxy Cost?

How much does Commercial Epoxy Cost?

On average, commercial floor coating  costs anywhere between $4 and $12 per square foot. Pricing varies due to many factors. The saying goes, you usually get what you pay for. Pricing typically includes: The time it takes to prepare the concrete slab and profile it...